Brigham Young University seeks to create a safe and comfortable experience at all events held on campus. As a part of that experience we expect that guests will:
Respect and appreciate each other.
Treat all individuals in a professional and courteous manner.
Refrain from disruptive or unruly behavior, including foul or abusive language and obscene gestures.
Never display signs with symbols, images, or language that are in poor taste, profane, discriminatory, or for commercial purposes, electioneering, campaigning or advocating for or against any candidate, political party, legislative issue, or government action.
Never use language or make gestures that are threatening, abusive, or discriminatory, including on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, ability, and/or sexual orientation.
Sit only in their ticketed seat and show their tickets when requested.
Never engage in fighting, throwing objects, or attempting to enter any restricted area, including the playing or performance area.
Comply with requests from venue staff regarding venue operations and emergency response.
The event staff has been trained to intervene when necessary and help ensure that the above expectations are met. Guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest usher, security guard, or by texting the keyword BYU with the concern and their location to 69050.
Guests who choose not to adhere to this code of conduct are subject to penalty including, but not limited to, ejection without refund, revocation of season tickets, and prevention from attending future events. They may also be in violation of local ordinances resulting in possible arrest or prosecution.